The Abyssinian breed of cat is particularly well known for its ferocious, miniature cougar-like appearance, and we can certainly see why you may be interested in owning one and making it your new family pet.
But before you rush out and adopt one, it’s best to read articles like this one that tell you all you need to know about them before bringing one into your family home.
In this article, we’re going to cover the following:
- A Brief History Of the Abyssinian Breed Of Cats
- How To Identify An Abyssinian Cat or Kitten
- How Much Can You Expect To Pay For A Genuine Purebred Abyssinian Kitten?
- Personality Quirks Of Abyssinian Kittens And Cats
- Potential Health Issues And How To Care For An Abyssinian Cat
- Answers To Your Most Frequently Asked Questions
(Please feel free to scroll ahead if you so wish.)
Let’s get started!
- 1 A Brief History Of The Abyssinian Breed Of Cats
- 2 How To Identify An Abyssinian Cat Or Kitten
- 3 How Much Can You Expect To Pay For A Genuine Purebred Abyssinian Kitten?
- 4 Personality Quirks Of Abyssinian Kittens And Cats
- 5 Potential Health Issues And How To Care For An Abyssinian Cat Or Kitten
- 6 Frequently Asked Questions
- 7 Conclusion
A Brief History Of The Abyssinian Breed Of Cats
Abyssinian cats originate from (you’ve guessed it!) a country that was once called Abyssinia. It is an African country, and it is now known as Ethiopia.
Siamese and Burmese cats are often also thought to be part of the same lineage, due to their strong similarities, such as their distinctive facial features.
It is believed by many people that Abyssinians were originally bred as hunting pets, but they have since become popular with both owners and breeders alike.
Abyssinians came over to America in about 1935, when they became the first ever breed of cats to be bred here. And all went well for a while, and they thrived in their new habitat.
Unfortunately, however, things took a turn for the worse during the first and second world wars, when the breed was almost wiped out.
Later there was also a wave of feline leukemia that also affected the population of other cat breeds also, and in both the US and the UK.
How To Identify An Abyssinian Cat Or Kitten

To identify an Abyssinian kitten or cat, you will want to look at its face.
The eyes should be large and quite round, and the ears should be small and pointed. The coat should be short and dense, and the tail should be long and bushy.
As for the fur color, Abyssinians can come in a variety of different fur colors.
The most common color can be described as “Ruddy”, much like the fur of a wild rabbit.
This became a predominant color for them where they originated from in Ethiopia before they were domesticated, because it was an excellent means of camouflage, and the color developed as part of their evolution and natural selection.
The next most common shade is Blue, which is a kind of grayish to blue hue. Then there’s an “Antique rose color” which is a combination of various light fawn shades.
Regardless of their predominant fur color, Abyssinians also tend to have a dark “ticking” effect to their coat, and this also contributed to their camouflage effect.
Abyssinian Tabby cats tend to have a distinct marking on their foreheads in the shape of a letter “M”.
How Much Can You Expect To Pay For A Genuine Purebred Abyssinian Kitten?
When it comes to pricing your new kitten, you will need to decide what you’re willing to pay for it.
You may be able to find kittens for sale online, and you might even be able to buy one from a breeder. But you’ll always be paying more for an Abyssinian than you would for more common breeds.
If you do decide that you want a purebred Abyssinian, then you’ll need to make sure that you choose a reputable breeder who has experience breeding purebreds.
If you are looking for a specific color, then you could possibly get lucky and find a kitten available for adoption that matches your desired color.
But if you don’t mind getting a bit of a mix of colors, then you might consider purchasing a mixed-breed kitten instead.
In any case, you will want to know how much you can expect to spend before you go ahead and adopt a kitten or an adult cat.
The age and gender of the cat can have a significant impact on the cost of owning one, and depending on what it is you want, you may have to save up your money first.
For example, if you’re planning on buying a male kitten, you can expect to pay between $400 and $500, but if you’re going to buy an adult female, she will cost you anywhere between $1000 and $2000. Of course, these prices are just estimates.
So, you need to think before you buy, and consider whether you want to become a breeder yourself, and invest in a female that can go on to have kittens herself.
Personality Quirks Of Abyssinian Kittens And Cats

One thing about Abyssinian kittens and cats is that they can be very shy when they are young. They are not used to being around people, and so they may not be comfortable with strangers right away.
They may also be very vocal, and they may make noise at times. However, this is normal behavior for them, it really isn’t anything to worry about.
However, if you notice that your kitten or cat seems to be scared of certain things, such as loud noises, then you should try to avoid these things until they get used to them.
Another personality quirk of Abyssinian kittens and cats can be that they may seem aloof towards other animals.
If you own another pet, you might want to keep him separate from your kitten or cat for a while.
This way, he won’t feel threatened by the newcomer, and he will learn to accept him without fear.
On the plus side, however, Abyssinian kittens can be very curious and adventurous.
They love exploring new places, and they like to play. So, if you live in a house with children, then you can expect plenty of fun and play, and smiles all round.
The Abyssinian breed can also be incredibly intelligent, and as such they can be very trainable.
You can teach them lots of cool tricks, and they will respond really well to training, especially with a lot of positive reinforcement.
They’re just great zooming around on agility courses, and they can even be trained to walk on a leash!
But sometimes they just like to sit back and “people watch”, checking out what everyone else is getting up to, including other animals such as birds.
Potential Health Issues And How To Care For An Abyssinian Cat Or Kitten
The good news is that on the whole, the Abyssinian breed is generally quite healthy, but while there’s no denying that Abyssinians are adorable, unfortunately there are sometimes some health issues that tend to come along with them too.
The most common condition that the Abyssinian breed are prone to is called pyruvate kinase deficiency, which is a genetic disease whereby there’s a lack of pyruvate kinase (PK) in the cat’s system.
PK is an important chemical for red blood cell metabolism, and without it the cat could struggle with intermittent anemia.
The symptoms could start to present themselves as early as 6 months old. The signs that are easiest to spot include the likes of jaundice and lethargy. They may also have a distended abdomen.
For this reason, if you decide to adopt an Abyssinian kitten, you should be vigilant and watch out for these signs and symptoms once you’ve brought them home.
You should also carry out due diligence, and ask the breeder about any health problems experienced by the kitten’s parents, so that you are fully informed and know what to expect.
If you do find yourself adopting an Abyssinian kitten, you’ll need to take extra care when cleaning their eyes.
Make sure that you don’t rub your fingers into their eyes, because this can cause irritation. Instead, use cotton wool balls or tissues to clean their eyes.
When it comes to feeding your kitten or cat, you should always feed them a high quality diet.
It’s best to stick to commercial diets rather than homemade ones, because they are usually formulated specifically for your cat’s needs.
Ensure that you give them food specifically for their particular age group, because kittens have very different dietary requirements than seniors.
You should also make sure that you give them enough water, and ensure that you change their litter tray regularly.
You should also avoid giving your kitten or cat treats, because these can upset their stomachs and lead to diarrhea.
And finally, you should never leave your Abyssinian kitten or cat alone for long periods in the sun, because this can put them at risk of developing heat stroke.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Types of Abyssinian Pedigrees Are There?
There are three main types of Abyssinian pedigrees. These are known as the American, British, and Egyptian. Each one has its own unique characteristics and history.
How Big Does An Abyssinian Cat Get?
A typical adult size for an Abyssinian cat is between 8 and 10 inches, and it can weigh up to a whopping 16 pounds.
How Affectionate/Friendly Are Abyssinian Cats?
Although Abyssinian cats can be quite friendly and affectionate, they would much rather play than snuggle up.
So there we have it! This was our guide to everything you need to know before adopting an Abyssinian kitten or cat.
We hope that you found all the information helpful, and now feel more confident about bringing home a brand-new Abyssinian member of the family!
Learn More about Cats Here.