Have you ever wondered why some cats’ feces appear black? Is it because they eat something toxic or has their diet changed?
If your cat’s stool appears black, there are several things you can do to help him out. Foremost, make sure he gets plenty of fresh water and high quality food.
A healthy cat needs about eight ounces of water per pound of body weight each day. You should also be giving your cat good-quality wet food with no added ingredients.
These foods will give your kitty more energy and keep his digestive tract running smoothly.
If your cat still continues to have black stools, you may want to consider taking him in for a check-up at your vet.
Your doctor will likely recommend that you start feeding your cat a different brand of food.
Try one without any corn syrup or other additives. Also, try adding some extra fiber to your cat’s diet. Fiber helps to bulk up his stool so that it doesn’t pass through as quickly.
In this guide, we’ll be taking a look at everything you need to know about black cat poop, including what to do about it. So, keep on reading to find out more!
- 1 What Does Blood In Cat Poop Mean?
- 2 How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Anal Gland Problems?
- 3 Why Would My Cat’s Poop Be Black?
- 4 What To Do If My Cat’s Poop Is Black
- 5 How Do I Treat Black Poop?
- 6 How Do I Know If My Cat Has Anemia?
- 7 Why Does My Cat Strain When Pooping?
- 8 Is There Hair In Cat Poop?
- 9 What Are Some Causes Of Constipation In Cats?
- 10 Are There Any Other Symptoms For Diarrhea Or Constipation?
- 11 What Should I Do If My Cat Gets Sick?
- 12 How To Treat Constipation
- 13 What Does A Healthy Cat Poop Look Like?
- 14 How Often Should My Cat Poop?
- 15 Can I Use Human Medicine For My Cat?
- 16 What Are Common Signs Of Feline Illness?
- 17 If You Have More Than One Cat
- 18 The Different Poops
- 19 Final Thoughts
What Does Blood In Cat Poop Mean?
Blood in your cat’s poop can be caused by a number of things including food allergies, eating something unsuitable, infections, parasites, anal gland problems, colitis, stress, poisoning, pancreatitis, toxicity, cancer, or blood disorders.
Your vet can help diagnose the concern.

Black cat poop is often a sign of blood being present in their poop, as the blood tends to darken the color. This is not always the case, but it is most of the time.
Your cat may have an illness that needs medical attention. Blood in your cat’s poop could mean he has an infection or cancer. You should take him to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Anal Gland Problems?
Anal glands are located on either side of the anus. They produce fluid that lubricates the area between the anus and the rectum.
When these glands become inflamed, they secrete excess amounts of this liquid into the bowel causing diarrhea.
This is called feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). FIC occurs most commonly in young adult male cats but can affect both sexes. The condition usually goes away within six months after treatment begins.
Why Would My Cat’s Poop Be Black?
There are many reasons why your cat’s poop might turn black. Some of them include:
He Ate Poison
Poisoning can cause your cat’s poop to turn black due to the fact that the toxins bind to the proteins found in the hair coat.
He Eats Too Much Salt
Salt can cause your cat’s kidneys to work overtime trying to get rid of the excess sodium. Excess sodium can also cause your cat’s pee to turn yellow. Yellow pee is another symptom of kidney disease.
He Eats Too Much Caffeine
Caffeine can cause your cat’s liver to overwork and eventually. Cats should not eat or drink caffeine.
He Eats Too Much Protein
Too much protein can lead to constipation which can result in black feces.
He Eats Too Much Fat
Fatty foods can cause your cat’s bowels to slow down which leads to constipation. Constipation causes your cat’s stools to turn black.
He Eats Too Much Sugar
Sugar can cause your cat’s urine to turn dark brown, as well as their poop being black. Dark colored urine is another sign of diabetes.
He Eats Too Little Fiber
Fiber is important to your cat’s health. It keeps his bowels moving regularly. Black poop is a sign that your cat may need more vegetables in his diet.
His Diet has Changed
Changing your cat’s diet can cause him to lose interest in what he was previously eating, leaving him to be constipated.
He Eats Too Much Meat
Meat contains lots of iron which can cause your cat’s stools to turn black.
He Eats Too Much Fish
Fish contains high levels of mercury which can damage your cat’s brain, and turn their poop black.
What To Do If My Cat’s Poop Is Black
Blood in cats’ stools can be very serious. A cat needs to see a vet right away if he/she starts showing signs of bleeding in the digestive system.
A cat’s vet will take a detailed history of the cat’s health, including when the symptoms started and what happened before they appeared.
The vet will perform a thorough physical exam. CBC, Biochemistry Profile, Urinalysis are common lab tests.

Anemia with microcytic and pale red blood cells can be found in blood test results. Anemia is often non-regenerative in cases with chronic blood loss. Anemia is mainly regenerative in acute cases.
Melena is caused by anemia. Anemia is a condition in which there are fewer red blood cells than normal.
When this happens, the body needs more platelets (cells that help form clots) to make up for the lack of red blood cells. This results in bleeding.
A cat’s blood tests will show a decreased amount of red blood cells. Platelet count may also be low. X rays of the abdomen will show if there are any tumors or other growths inside the stomach.
X-rays of the lungs can be seen by looking at them inside the chest. Thoracic x-rays can show if there are any problems with the lungs or heart.
Ultrasounds can see tumors or other organs in the body. Endoscopes can view the inside of the stomach and intestines.
Endoscopy also helps doctors collect tissue samples for analysis and remove any foreign objects that may be present.
How Do I Treat Black Poop?
Black poop in cats indicates serious concerns. Treatment involves fluid therapy, transfusions, and medications. Vomiting needs to be managed.
Surgery may be needed in the case of serious stomach ulcers or tumors in cats.
Your cat may act normally, but he should eat regularly and not vomit. Blood in his stool doesn’t mean anything unless he’s bleeding internally. Call your vet immediately.
Your cat needs to get rid of some blood in his stool. You should give him a probiotic supplement. He also needs more fiber in his diet.
Pumpkin helps with digestion. Make sure you feed him enough pumpkin.
Try mixing it into his food, but don’t add too much though. Too much pumpkin can upset his stomach.
Your cat needs more water than usual because he/she has diarrhea or is constipated. You should give your cat more water than normal. Invest in a cat water fountain or convert dry food into wet food.
If your cat’s poop remains black, they may need medication. Medications include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, laxatives, and antiflatulents.
Antibiotics are used to treat infections. Anti-inflammatories reduce inflammation.
Laxatives work on the colon to soften feces. Antiflatulent tablets contain chemicals that bind to fat particles in the intestine. They prevent the absorption of fats from the small intestine into the bloodstream.
Blood Transfusion
In severe cases of anemia, blood transfusions may be necessary.
Blood transfusions involve taking blood from another animal and giving it to the sick one.
The donor animal must have had no diseases since their last donation. Blood donors are usually dogs.
Dogs are easier to find than cats. A dog’s blood type is easy to identify. It is typically O negative.
How Do I Know If My Cat Has Anemia?
The following are some signs of anemia:
- Bleeding gums
- Bruising easily
- Difficulty breathing
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Rapid heartbeat
- Weakness
- Yellowing of the eyes and tongue
- Weight loss
Why Does My Cat Strain When Pooping?
A cat’s poop should be soft, round, and slightly wet. Hard, lumpy, or dry stool is another possible cause of constipation.
This condition can also occur when a cat does not drink enough water or eats too much fiber-rich food. Megacolon occurs when the colon stretches beyond normal limits.
Constipation will cause your cat to strain, and they will struggle to finish pooping.
Is There Hair In Cat Poop?
Cat’s poop contains hair, but you shouldn’t worry about it. Hair found in a cat’s poop doesn’t mean anything, unless your cat has ingested a foreign body. Tapeworm eggs are often found in cat’s stool.
These eggs look like tiny white dots. However, these eggs do not harm your cat.
What Are Some Causes Of Constipation In Cats?
Cats who don’t drink enough water or eat too little fiber can develop constipation. Overweight cats are at greater risk for this problem.
Cats who spend time outdoors are more likely to suffer from constipation.

Cats who live indoors tend to eat less fiber than those who go outside.
Fiber keeps them regular. Cats who spend lots of time outdoors are exposed to many types of bacteria. Bacteria in the environment can make cats’ stools softer.
Cats who eat table scraps are prone to developing constipation. Table scraps contain high amounts of fiber, which makes the stool harder.
Are There Any Other Symptoms For Diarrhea Or Constipation?
Your cat may experience other symptoms if she is suffering from either diarrhea or constipation. These symptoms include:
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Lack of appetite
- Loss of energy
- Lethargy
- Discharge from the eyes
- Increased drinking
If any of these symptoms appear, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Diarrhea means having loose stools several times each day.
Your cat may vomit as well. She may feel weak and tired. You may notice her drinking more than usual.
Constipation means having hard, dry stools fewer than three times per week. Your cat may feel lethargic and lack energy. She may also lose weight.
What Should I Do If My Cat Gets Sick?
You should take your cat to the vet right away if he seems ill. He needs to see his doctor as soon as possible.
You should keep your cat indoors during cold weather. Cold temperatures slow down the metabolism of your cat.
When your cat gets sick, you need to give him plenty of fluids. Water is best, but you can use milk, juice, or even soda. Don’t feed your cat after midnight. Feed him before bedtime so that he won’t wake up hungry.
Don’t let your cat sleep on dirty surfaces such as carpets or rugs. Cleaning his litter box regularly helps prevent illness.
How To Treat Constipation
A cat’s constipation should be treated by reducing stress and anxiety, increasing exercise, having a new diet, using fiber rich foods, providing probiotic supplements, maintaining a healthy weight, giving over-the-counter laxative supplements, and consulting a veterinarian.
Over-the-Counter Laxatives
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are available to treat constipation.
They work by stimulating bowel activity. The most common OTC laxatives used for cats are mineral oil, rice bran oil, psyllium seed husk, and sugarless gum.
Mineral Oil
Mineral oil is one of the oldest laxatives available. It works by softening the stool so that it passes easily through the digestive tract. Mineral oil is usually given orally as drops mixed with food.
Rice Bran Oil
Rice bran oil contains soluble dietary fibers that help soften the stool. It is often added to canned foods.
Psyllium Seed Husks
Psyllium seed husks are made from the seeds of Plantago ovata. They increase the water content of the feces and reduce fecal bulk.
Always check that these remedies can be given to cats.
What Does A Healthy Cat Poop Look Like?
Cats’ stool is frequently round, and it should be brown. It should be firm and easy to pass out. Adult cats should pass stool once or twice a day.
Kittens may pass stool more than once per day.
Cat poop should not smell like much, and it should be small. Your cat’s litter box shouldn’t make you run out of the room or hold your nose. If your litter box smells bad, contact your vet.
A healthy cat’s poop should be dark brown in color and malleable.
Hard balls of poop are considered unusual and unhealthy because they can indicate a problem.
Your cat is constipated. Call your vet if your cat is passing hard, round stools.
Cats’ poop should always be checked out carefully. Diarrhea is usually caused by stress, but it could also be due to a change in diet.
If there is no improvement within 2 days, take your cat to the veterinarian.
How Often Should My Cat Poop?
Cats do not have a set schedule when they poop. It might vary from cat to cat. Some cats will poop every day, while others will skip a few days.
Your cat’s poop should always be soft and moist. If you notice your cat is having problems pooping often, make sure you check with your vet.
Can I Use Human Medicine For My Cat?
Yes! There are many human medicines that can benefit your cat. These include pain relievers, antibiotics, antihistamines, antacids, and other drugs.
Be careful about giving any medicine to your cat without talking to your vet first.
What Are Common Signs Of Feline Illness?
Feline illnesses are very similar to those seen in humans. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of appetite, and depression.
If You Have More Than One Cat
Cats tend to poop in private, and if you are trying to determine which cat has done the unhealthy poop, you may have to come up with a way to tell.
You should get samples from every cat in your household. Blood tests will help identify any illnesses in cats. If one cat is sick, other cats might also be.
Try to isolate them with their private litter boxes until you can take them to the vet. Stools are important parts of cats’ health.
Regularly checking stools helps to ensure your cat stays happy and healthy.
The Different Poops
Finally, let’s look at the different cat poop possibilities.
Hard Cat Poop
Cats need plenty of water to make sure their poop doesn’t get hard. A lack of water can lead to dehydration, which can cause problems in the kidneys.
Your cat may be dehydrated if he/she stops drinking water or if you notice that his/her poop is more solid than normal.
Wet Cat Poop
Diarrhea is something that happens when you eat too fast. Sometimes, if you’re eating too fast, you might get some diarrhea.
But if you do, make sure to drink lots of water. You should also see your doctor because sometimes, people who have diarrhea need medicine.
Speckled Cat Poop
Worms in cats’ poops aren’t a big deal. Cats don’t eat them, and they’re easily treated by vets. Most worms are harmless to humans.
Some cause symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting. But tapeworms can be deadly.
They can grow up to ten feet long and live in people’s intestines. They can also travel through the bloodstream and into other organs. When found, they must be removed surgically.
No Poop
Constipation is a real medical problem for cats.
Your cat might need more fiber, water, or medicine. She may also have an obstruction somewhere in her intestine or even a life threatening condition.
Cats’ poops are always hard when they’re sick or dying. This is because cats have very sensitive digestive systems.
Their intestines are made up of smooth muscle tissue, and any sudden change in this tissue could cause them pain and discomfort.
When a cat’s poop starts getting harder, it means something bad is happening inside their body.
Final Thoughts
Cat poop is not a nice subject, but it is necessary to find out why your cat’s poop may not be healthy.
It’s best to talk to your veterinarian, so she can figure out what’s going on with your cat. The sooner you know, the better you’ll be able to treat your cat.
And remember, there are ways to keep your cat healthy besides just cleaning up after him/her!