31 German Shepherd Breeders in Massachusetts (MA) | German Shepherd Puppies for Sale

If you are from Massachusetts and you are looking for a German Shepherd puppy, then you’re in the right place! Lucky for you, I have compiled different German Shepherd Breeders you can find in Massachusetts. Here, you can already have the breeder’s address in case you want to pay a visit. At the same time, I also included the contact number if you’re going to call.

Moreover, I added some sites where you can find online breeders if you don’t want to leave your home. This way, you can have other options if you can’t find an ideal option among the German Shepherd breeders near you.

Hopefully, with this article, you’re able to find your puppy of choice!


German Shepherd Breeders Massachusetts Listings

NamePostal CodePhoneWebsite
Hayes Haus German ShepherdsMA 01985+1 978-358-7672http://hayeshaus.com/
Diamond Match German ShepherdsMA 01054+1 413-687-1212http://www.diamondmatchshepherds.com/
Von Der Nordsee German ShepherdsMA 01913+1 978-270-9200https://www.foxhillk9.com/German-Shepherds/
vom Rheinland German ShepherdsMA 02360+1 774-454-3214http://www.vomrheinland.com/
Tralee Kennels/AKC German ShepherdsMA 02081No Phone Numberhttp://traleekennels.com/
German Shepherd Rescue of NengMA 01778+1 978-443-2202https://gsrne.org/gsrne-live/
Dunns German ShepherdsMA 01083+1 413-504-8723http://dunngermanshepherds.com/
Ryanhaus KennelMA 01952+1 978-463-3050https://www.ryanhaus-kennel.com/
Runchkin Hill Farm and KennelMA 01985+1 978-423-0877http://workingk9unit.com/
NordOsten KennelMA 01969+1 978-432-1235http://www.nordostenkennel.com/index.html
Raynhan s Perfect K9MA 02767+1 781-299-5137No Website
Von den Brookfields German ShepherdsMA 01531+1 508-330-8570https://vondenbrookfields.com/
Sheldon ShepherdsMA 02766No Phone Numberhttp://www.sheldonshepherds.com/
Abby KennelsMA 01824+1 978-454-8718https://abbykennels.com/
Beauty in the Beast K9 ServicesMA 02723+1 646-847-8779https://www.facebook.com/BeautyintheBeastK9Services
Pacheco KennelsMA 02767+1 508-254-8444http://pachecokennelsmassachusetts.com/
Smoke Show Shiloh ShepherdsMA 02152+1 617-784-1475No Website
Fox Hill Farm & K9 Dog TrainingMA 01913+1 978-270-9200http://www.foxhillk9.com/
Collinswood K9 ServicesMA 01501+1 508-832-9394https://collinswoodk9.com/
Atlantic K9 Training LLCMA 01921+1 978-468-1616http://www.atlantick9.com/
VOM LEDGEMERE GERMAN SHEPHERDSMA 02093+1 413-461-6944http://vomledgemeregermanshepherds.com/
UpperCapeK9sMA 02538+1 508-667-7636https://uppercapek9s.com/
Champion KennelsMA 01564+1 978-422-3100http://www.championkennel.com/
Country Side RottiesMA 01452+1 978-375-2503http://countrysiderotties.com/
Canine Protection InternationalMA 01844+1 978-685-3100http://www.protectiondogs.com/
Millstone KennelMA 02702+1 774-281-3981http://www.millstonekennel.com/
MassBay K9MA 01887+1 617-778-8939http://www.massbayk9.com/
Mellos LabradorsMA 02743+1 508-763-4910http://mellolabradors.com/
Greystone KennelMA 02769+1 508-252-3948http://www.greystonekennelma.com/
Pet & Working Dogs Training and KennelMA 01985+1 978-423-0877http://workingk9unit.com/
Canine College, Bow Wow ResortMA 02343+1 781-767-3908http://www.caninecollege.net/

German Shepherd Puppies for Sale in Massachusetts

Hayes Haus German Shepherds

Address – 159 Indian Hill St, West Newbury, MA 01985, United States

Phone – +1 978-358-7672


Diamond Match German Shepherds

Address – 22 Richardson Rd, Leverett, MA 01054, United States

Phone – +1 413-687-1212


Von Der Nordsee German Shepherds

Address – 69 Kimball Rd, Amesbury, MA 01913, United States

Phone – +1 978-270-9200


vom Rheinland German Shepherds

Address – 185 Jordan Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360, United States

Phone – +1 774-454-3214


Tralee Kennels/AKC German Shepherds

Address – 2 Chicatabut Dr, Walpole, MA 02081, United States

Phone – NA


German Shepherd Rescue of Neng

Address – Wayland, MA 01778, United States

Phone – +1 978-443-2202


Dunns German Shepherds

Address – 1210 Main St, Warren, MA 01083, United States

Phone – +1 413-504-8723


Ryanhaus Kennel

Address – 15 Gardner St, Salisbury, MA 01952, United States

Phone – +1 978-463-3050


Runchkin Hill Farm and Kennel

Address – 3 Arrowhead Way, West Newbury, MA 01985, United States

Phone – +1 978-423-0877


NordOsten Kennel

Address – 80 Leslie Rd, Rowley, MA 01969, United States

Phone – +1 978-432-1235


Raynhan s Perfect K9

Address – Prospect Hill St, Raynham, MA 02767, United States

Phone – +1 781-299-5137

Website – No Website

Von den Brookfields German Shepherds

Address – 320 Gilbertville Rd, New Braintree, MA 01531, United States

Phone – +1 508-330-8570


Sheldon Shepherds

Address – Norton, MA 02766, United States

Phone – NA


Abby Kennels

Address – 28 Gorham St, Chelmsford, MA 01824, United States

Phone – +1 978-454-8718


Beauty in the Beast K9 Services

Address – 2 Old Farm Ln, Fall River, MA 02723, United States

Phone – +1 646-847-8779


Pacheco Kennels

Address – 830 Judson St, Raynham, MA 02767, United States

Phone – +1 508-254-8444


Smoke Show Shiloh Shepherds

Address – 93 Upland Rd, Winthrop, MA 02152, United States

Phone – +1 617-784-1475

Website – No Website

Fox Hill Farm & K9 Dog Training

Address – 69 Kimball Rd, Amesbury, MA 01913, United States

Phone – +1 978-270-9200


Collinswood K9 Services

Address – 81 West St, Auburn, MA 01501, United States

Phone – +1 508-832-9394


Atlantic K9 Training LLC

Address – 7 Endicott Rd, Boxford, MA 01921, United States

Phone – +1 978-468-1616



Address – Hawes St, Wrentham, MA 02093, United States

Phone – +1 413-461-6944



Address – 52 Great Neck Rd, East Wareham, MA 02538, United States

Phone – +1 508-667-7636


Champion Kennels

Address – 149 Clinton Rd, Sterling, MA 01564, United States

Phone – +1 978-422-3100


Country Side Rotties

Address – 124 Barre Rd, Hubbardston, MA 01452, United States

Phone – +1 978-375-2503


Canine Protection International

Address – 202 Tyler St, Methuen, MA 01844, United States

Phone – +1 978-685-3100


Millstone Kennel

Address – 20 Slab Bridge Rd, Assonet, MA 02702, United States

Phone – +1 774-281-3981


MassBay K9

Address – 38 Boutwell St, Wilmington, MA 01887, United States

Phone – +1 617-778-8939


Mellos Labradors

Address – 168 Keene Rd, Acushnet, MA 02743, United States

Phone – +1 508-763-4910


Greystone Kennel

Address – 107 New St, Rehoboth, MA 02769, United States

Phone – +1 508-252-3948


Pet & Working Dogs Training and Kennel

Address – 3 Arrowhead Way W, West Newbury, MA 01985, United States

Phone – +1 978-423-0877


Canine College, Bow Wow Resort

Address – 70 White Rock Spring Rd, Holbrook, MA 02343, United States

Phone – +1 781-767-3908


Online German Shepherd Breeders

While you may find several breeders near your area, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll find the right one for you. If you can’t find a German Shepherd breeder near you, you can look for your puppy online. Here’s a list of online breeders where you can get your German Shepherd pup:

AKC MarketPlace

One of the first online breeders you need to check is the AKC Market Place. The American Kennel Club (AKC) has an online marketplace where you can search for the German Shepherd pup you want. Aside from the puppy, you can also find other tips and information necessary on their site.

Here is the link to their website:


Adopt a Pet

Another online website to visit is Adopt a Pet. This website is North America’s Largest Non-Profit Pet Adoption Website. On it, you can find both German Shepherd Pups and adults that are near you. You can also filter the searches with the sex and age of the dog that you want.

Here’s a link to their website:


Puppies For Sale Today

Last but not the least, Puppies For Sale Today is also a website where you can search for all breeds’ puppies, which means you can also find a German Shepherd in it. If you’re looking for a German Shepherd pup, you can find one in there.

Here’s a link to their website:


What Is the Average Price of a German Shepherd Puppy in Massachusetts?

Like other puppies you get from a breeder, German Shepherd pups are also quite pricey. In general, an average German Shepherd puppy would cost about $500-$1500, and it should also be the price range of breeders in Massachusets. The price can go lower or higher depending on the offer of the breeder.

German Shepherds are quite expensive due to many reasons. For instance, these dogs aren’t easy to breed, and they need extensive training. Further, they also have unique features that set them apart from the rest. Aside from the actual price of the puppy, you may also need to spend more on their food and the items they’ll need.

Tips When Bringing Home German Shepherd Puppy

The preparation doesn’t stop once you have chosen your puppy. In fact, it’s pretty much where you begin. If you would bring a German Shepherd puppy home, it can be pretty overwhelming. However, here are some tips that can help you when you’re bringing home a new German Shepherd pup:

Home Preparation

The first thing to do is to make your home puppy-proofed. Remove any potential dangers like cords and even toxic chemicals out of reach. Also, secure the things they can take down once they’re lively and running.

Further, create a cold environment for your pup, especially during hot seasons.

Basic Items

You need to have these items available for your pet:

  • Dog food
  • Chew toys
  • Food and water dishes
  • A collar and leash
  • Soft bed
  • Grooming supplies
  • Puppy pads

Create a Schedule

German Shepherd pups would do well with a schedule. Dogs live with a routine, and they are easy to train by having one. For this reason, make a schedule of the things you need to do regularly. Eventually, your pup will learn the routine events and will make itself adept at them.

What to expect from a German Shepherd puppy

Although you have your expectations, it’s best to take note of the following. It will help you prepare for your pet, especially in the first few days of living together.

As you allow your pet to adjust, do your best to create a stress-free environment for it. Always supervise it as it familiarizes itself with its new home.

At the same time, prepare yourself for your pet’s habits in the first weeks:

Noisy Sleeping

Snoring is not that common in German Shepherds. Still, it would be best to prepare yourself for loud noises when your pet is asleep.

Moderate Training

German Shepherds are highly trainable. It simply means they respond well, especially to positive reinforcement. For this reason, you may need to allot an hour or so each day for your dog’s training.

Squeaky Toys

Out of all toys, your pet will love the squeaky ones. For this reason, prepare for a lot of loud squeaks every time your pet is active.

Choosing a Good German Shepherd Seller and Breeder

A great German Shepherd only comes from a good seller and breeder. Thus, in picking your pet, you may want to consider getting it from the best.

You will know a good breeder and seller from the following characteristics:

Insists on visiting the dog’s future home

A good breeder would want to see where the German Shepherd will spend its days. Further, he’ll see if there will be problems so that he or she can address them even before you get your pet.

Shows all the paperwork

A good breeder will want you to see the pup’s pedigree and health clearances. 

Tells you any health problems

A good breeder will tell you any significant health problems in any of the dogs he or she bred.

Asks more questions than you

A good breeder would ask for more items from you than you would for him or her. 

Not in a hurry to send off

A good breeder is not in a hurry to send the puppies off and get your money.

Provides you with past customers’ record

A good breeder will show you references, even of people who bought puppies from him or her. He or she will even show you other breeders and veterinarians caring for their dogs.

Requires expectations on both sides

A good breeder will create a contract that offers not only what he or she expects from you. More than that, he or she will also show what you can expect from him or her.

Doesn’t sell enough puppies to make it worthwhile

A good breeder doesn’t breed too many puppies to earn so much. He or she won’t even accept credit cards.

Sends puppies properly

A good breeder will never send a puppy in a compartment and without any responsible person to go with it.

Works only with one or two breeds

A good breeder works only with a single or a couple of species.

Shows breeding experience

A good breeder shows her dogs in recognized confirmation shows. He or she will also join his or her breed in other breed-related performance events.

Other states

Or you can check our overall page with list of all covered German Shepherd breeders.


Image credits – Canva

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