How old is my cat? If you want to know the exact age of your pet, you should look at his teeth. Cats usually reach adulthood around 2 years of age.
They start growing their adult teeth around 6 months of age. The last molars erupt between 3 and 4 years of age.
Cats’ teeth are unique compared to other animals. Their teeth are always growing throughout their lives. This means they never stop growing.
As such, the number of teeth they have will change over time.
There are several ways to determine your cat’s age. One way is to count the number of teeth he has. Another method is to examine his teeth.
Some cats have permanent teeth, while others only have deciduous teeth (baby teeth). Deciduous teeth often fall out before the permanent ones come in. However, some kittens do not lose all of their baby teeth until after they turn one year old.
If you want to find out how old your cat is, check out this guide for 5 sure methods!
How Do Cats Age?
Cats go through six stages of growth during their lifetimes. When cats reach a certain age, their behavior changes.

They become more active and begin to explore their surroundings. Their personalities also change as they get older.
The first stage of development begins when a kitten is born and lasts until they are 1-year-old, but there are other stages included in this time period. During this period, the kitten grows rapidly.
It gains about 10 pounds per month. By the end of its first year, it will weigh about 25 pounds. At that point, it will be able to eat solid food.
The second stage of development lasts from birth to about three months of age. During this period, kittens continue to grow.
They gain weight at a slower rate than they did in the first stage. After three months of age, they weigh approximately 30 pounds (if they are a larger breed).
Kittens spend most of their third stage of life sleeping. They sleep for 12 hours each day. In addition, they play and groom themselves. Kittens who are kept indoors tend to wake up later than those who live outside.
Because of this, indoor-only cats can stay awake longer than outdoor cats.
Kittens spend the fourth stage of life exploring their environment.
During this period, they learn how to use their paws. They also practice climbing on things like furniture and walls. They may even try to climb into high places to see what’s above them.
During the fifth stage of development, kittens begin to mature physically. They develop fur coats. They also begin to shed their undercoats. All of these changes happen gradually.
During the sixth stage of development, kittens prepare for sexual maturity. They become interested in mating with members of the opposite sex. They also begin to show interest in toys.
How To Tell A Cat’s Age
There are various ways to tell how old a cat is.
Let’s delve into the easiest ways to find out how old your cat may be.
Their Coat
Kittens’ fur coats are soft, silky, immaculate, and spotless.
As the cat gets older, the fur coat becomes softer. Their coats become less shiny and more patchy. A vet can often guess a cat’s age based on their fur coat.
As cats get older, they may even begin to lose fur in certain places. They are likely to get thinning areas of fur, and bald spots. These are signs of aging.
A cat’s teeth are an excellent indicator of their age.
If you look closely at a cat’s mouth, you’ll notice that their adult teeth typically appear around two years of age. The last tooth appears between five and seven years of age.
Teeth are important because they help a cat chew food. If a cat doesn’t have any teeth, then they cannot eat solid foods.
This means that they must rely on dry or canned foods. These types of diets make it difficult for a cat to maintain proper nutrition.
To look at your cat’s teeth, gently pry open their mouth, and you will be able to see their teeth.
The older your cat is, the more stained their teeth will be. This is because they have lived longer, and they cannot brush their teeth.
Older cats may also lose teeth with old age, and this is a sure sign that your cat is elderly. But, younger cats may not have all of their teeth yet, so they could be young, too.
Their Eyes
Cats’ eyesight begins to deteriorate as they get older. When cats start having trouble seeing, it could be because of old age.
Their eyes may also become cloudy due to illness. If your cat has a discharge, that means he/she might need medical attention.

When you examine your cat’s eyes, pay close attention to their pupils. Pupils should be round when a cat is healthy.
Older cats may have irregular pupils. You may notice that one pupil looks larger than the other.
This is called heterochromia iridis. It happens when there is damage to the eye.
If you notice anything unusual about your cat’s eyes, take him/her to your veterinarian.
Energy Levels
Older cats love to sleep, and kittens love to play. Cats who are spry and active tend to be younger than those who are sedentary.
Some older cats are very active, while others are less so. Sedentary cats tend to be older than active ones.
A cat tends to sleep about 20 hours per day. An adult cat needs to rest between 12-14 hours per day at a minimum.
Your cat’s energy levels will fluctuate throughout his life. For example, if your cat is playful, energetic, and loves to run upstairs, then he/she probably isn’t much older than three years of age.
However, if your cat is lethargic, lazy, and sleeps most of the time, then he/she may be closer to 10 years old.
You can tell if your cat is tired by observing her behavior. Does she seem listless? Is she sleeping more than usual?
Or does she seem happy and lively? If your cat seems sluggish, then he/she is likely older than six months.
Weight is another factor to determine your cat’s age. Most cats gain weight as they grow older. They begin to put on weight after they reach adulthood. Weight loss in older cats is common.
As your cat ages, he/she will naturally gain weight. Your cat will begin to put on weight once he/she reaches adulthood.
At this point, your cat will weigh approximately 3 pounds. He/she may continue gaining weight until he/she is 15 years old. After that, your cat will begin losing weight.
By the time he/she is 18 years old, your cat will weigh only 2 pounds.
As your cat gets older, he/she will gain weight faster than normal. This is because he/she is eating more food. You can use a scale to measure your cat’s weight.
How Long Do Cats Live?
The average lifespan for domestic cats is 8-10 years.
However, some cats live up to 14 years, or even longer.
There are many factors that affect how long a cat lives. These include genetics, health issues, diet, environment, and lifestyle.

The average lifespan of a cat depends on how well he/she takes care of himself/herself.
Cats who eat a high quality diet live longer than those who eat a poor diet.
A good diet includes fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, eggs, and dairy products.
Cats who exercise regularly enjoy a longer lifespan than those who don’t.
Exercise helps keep your cat’s body fit and strong. It also increases blood flow, which improves circulation. This allows your cat to stay healthier and happier for longer.
Environment plays an important role in determining a cat’s lifespan.
Cats who spend lots of time outdoors or in a home with windows experience fewer illnesses and diseases.
Lifestyle also affects longevity. Cats who get plenty of attention from their owners live longer than those who don’t receive enough attention.
Genetics also play a big part in determining a cat’s life span. Certain breeds have shorter lifespans than other breeds.
Additional Ways To Determine The Age Of Your Cat
Cats are very loyal creatures, and they love to be around people. They also enjoy being part of the family.
You can also determine your cat’s age by looking at an online age chart. You can also take your cat to the vet.
An age chart will give you picture comparisons of cats of certain ages for you to compare to your cat. This will not give you a direct age, but it can help you find out roughly how old your cat is.
Your vet may have tips and tricks to estimate the age of your cat. But unless you have a birth record and date of your cat’s birth, it is difficult to find the exact age of your cat.
Final Thoughts
Aging is inevitable for all living things. As your cat grows older, he/she becomes less active and eats less.
If you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior, schedule a visit to your veterinarian. Your vet will be able to tell if there is anything wrong with your cat. If he/she has no problems, then there is nothing to worry about.