Cats’ claws are designed to help them hunt prey, but Overgrown Cat Claws can also cause problems for owners.
Overgrown claws can scratch furniture or even injure humans. How do you prevent this from happening?
Cats’ claws are usually trimmed every six months, but some owners don’t bother because their pets seem to enjoy scratching.
If you notice claw damage, you should trim your cat’s claws immediately.
Overgrown claws can cause pain and injury to both cats and humans.
The problem is exacerbated by the fact that cats often don’t realize that they’ve grown too long until it’s too late.
When a cat has overgrown nails, she may not be able to use her paws properly.
This could lead to painful injuries if she tries to climb on something and slips. It could also result in scratches or other wounds to people who come into contact with her claws.
Let’s take a look at the topic of overgrown cat nails in more detail!
- 1 Why Might A Cat Have Overgrown Nails (Claws)?
- 2 How Can I Tell When My Cat Has Too Long Nails?
- 3 What Should I Look For When Trimming My Cat’s Nails?
- 4 Why Is My Cat Acting Strange After Her Last Nail Cut?
- 5 Is It Possible To Prevent Overgrown Nails From Happening?
- 6 Can I Use A Razor Blade Instead Of Using Scissors?
- 7 Do Overgrown Nails Cause Pain Or Damage?
- 8 How Can I Tell If My Cat Has An Infection Under Her Nails?
- 9 What Should I Do If My Cat Has An Overgrowth Problem?
- 10 Are There Any Other Solutions For Overgrown Nails?
- 11 Symptoms Of Unusual Overgrown Cat Nails
- 12 Causes Of Overgrown Cat Nail Growth
- 13 How To Prevent Overgrown Cat Nails From Happening
- 14 Methods To Keep Cat Claws Under Control
- 14.1 Keep Your Cat Indoors
- 14.2 Trim Your Cat’s Claws Regularly
- 14.3 Use An Electric Nail Clipper
- 14.4 Don’t Allow Your Cat To Play In High-traffic Areas
- 14.5 Avoid Rough Surfaces Such As Wood Floors
- 14.6 Make Sure Your Cat Gets Plenty Of Exercise
- 14.7 Provide Safe Places For Your Cat To Sleep
- 14.8 Be Aware Of Your Cat’s Behavior
- 14.9 Clean Your Cat’s Environment Regularly
- 14.10 Consider Using A Cat Tree
- 14.11 Try Giving Your Cat A Pedicure
- 14.12 Get Professional Help If Necessary
- 15 Is There A Way To Keep Cats Calm During Cutting Of Nails?
- 16 How Long Does It Take To Grow Out New Nails?
- 17 Final Thoughts
Why Might A Cat Have Overgrown Nails (Claws)?
As we said earlier, cats have claws specifically designed to help them catch prey.
They’re sharp and pointed so that they can pierce through skin and muscle tissue without causing much harm to their victims.

However, when cats grow older, their nails become longer than usual.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – in fact, many cats like to play around with toys and other objects using their claws.
But when cats get too big for their paws, it becomes difficult for them to move around as easily.
This means that they might accidentally hurt themselves or others.
How Can I Tell When My Cat Has Too Long Nails?
If your cat seems to be having trouble moving around due to her claws being too long, it’s time to check out her nails.
You’ll need to examine each nail individually. You can do this by gently pulling back the paw and looking at the tip of the nail.
If the tip looks swollen or discolored, then your cat probably needs to see a vet right away.
Otherwise, you should trim her nails regularly.
What Should I Look For When Trimming My Cat’s Nails?
Trimming your cat’s nails requires patience. The process takes about 10 minutes per foot, so you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time.
Start by holding the paw up next to your face. Then, hold down one side of the nail while pushing down on the opposite end with your thumb.
Continue doing this until the entire nail comes off. Don’t worry, though – most cats won’t mind the procedure. In fact, they may enjoy it!
As always, keep an eye on your cat during the procedure. Make sure that she doesn’t try to bite you or jump up onto anything.
Once the nail is removed, wash your hands thoroughly before touching your cat again.
Why Is My Cat Acting Strange After Her Last Nail Cut?
After you’ve finished trimming your cat’s nails, she might act strangely.
She might rub against furniture or walls, even though she normally wouldn’t do such things.
She might also be reluctant to go outside. If your cat has been acting strange, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian about what’s going on.
The good news is that there are some simple solutions to these problems. We’ll discuss those solutions below.
Is It Possible To Prevent Overgrown Nails From Happening?
Yes, it is possible to prevent overgrown nails from happening. However, it will require a little extra work on your part.
First, make sure that your cat gets regular nail trims. As discussed above, this will ensure that your cat’s nails stay trimmed and healthy.
Next, make sure that you don’t allow your cat access to any hard surfaces. This includes floors, tables, counters, and beds.
Finally, if you notice that your cat is scratching herself excessively, consider getting her nails clipped.
Can I Use A Razor Blade Instead Of Using Scissors?
Using a razor blade instead of scissors is another option. While this method works well for small areas, it’s not recommended for larger areas.
That’s because it’s much harder to control where the blade goes when using a razor than it is to use scissors.
That said, if you’re willing to take the risk, you could still use a razor blade. Just make sure that you carefully watch your cat while you’re cutting.
Do Overgrown Nails Cause Pain Or Damage?
While overgrown nails aren’t usually painful, they can cause damage to your cat’s paws.
In particular, overgrown nails can become infected. They can also lead to other health issues like arthritis.
How Can I Tell If My Cat Has An Infection Under Her Nails?
If your cat has an infection under her nails, she might have a fever. You can tell if she does by looking at her ears.
If you notice that she has redness around her ears, then she probably has an infection.
You should also look out for signs of pain in your cat’s feet. If she seems uncomfortable, then she likely has an infection.
What Should I Do If My Cat Has An Overgrowth Problem?
There are several different ways that you can help your cat get rid of an overgrowth problem.
One way is to use a nail file. Simply place the file between your cat’s toes and start filing away.

This should remove most of the excess skin and tissue.
Another option is to use a laser treatment. Laser treatments are more expensive than nail files, but they’re often effective.
A third option is to simply clip your cat’s nails. If you decide to clip them yourself, make sure that you follow all safety precautions.
However, if you want to clip them with the aid of a professional, you can find a veterinary clinic near you that offers this service.
Are There Any Other Solutions For Overgrown Nails?
Of course! Here are two additional options:
Keep Your Cat Indoors
It’s true that cats love to roam outdoors. But if you keep your cat indoors, she won’t have anywhere else to scratch or claw.
Get Rid Of The Dirt And Grime In Your House
Cats tend to spend their time exploring outside. That means that they’ll be exposed to dirt and grime.
The best solution is to clean up after your cat. Cleaning up after your cat helps prevent infections from forming on her claws.
If you’d rather avoid cleaning up after your cat, you can use a product called “Catnip” to help calm her down.
Symptoms Of Unusual Overgrown Cat Nails
Your cat’s nails grow at different rates depending on breed, age, diet, health, and activity level.
However, most cats will have an average nail length of about 2 inches (5 centimeters).
If your cat’s nails are longer than this, there might be a medical condition causing the growth spurt.
You should check with your veterinarian if your cat’s nails appear unusually thick or long.
In addition, you should watch for signs of discomfort or infection.
Causes Of Overgrown Cat Nail Growth
There are several potential causes of overgrown cat nails. Some cases are genetic, while others are caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Inadequate nutrition can affect the development of bones and joints. This can make it difficult for the paw muscles to function properly.
Other possible causes include hormonal imbalances, kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders, allergies, and skin infections.
How To Prevent Overgrown Cat Nails From Happening
There are a number of ways to avoid your cat’s nails from becoming overgrown, as well as how to protect you and them from the long claws.
Here are just a few examples:
- Trimming your cat’s claws regularly helps keep them healthy.
- To avoid injuring yourself when handling your cat, wear gloves when touching her nails.
- Be sure to cut off only the tip of each nail.
- Do not remove more than half of any one nail.
- Be careful not to get any part of the nail under the skin.
- Never pull on the nail. Instead, gently push back the end of the nail so that it falls out.
- Never try to clip a cat’s nails without first checking with your vet.
- A poorly trimmed nail can become infected very quickly.
- If you’re worried about how your cat reacts to having her nails clipped, ask your vet for advice.
- He’ll likely recommend a schedule based on your cat’s age, weight, and lifestyle.
- Once your cat is used to being handled, you can start clipping her nails yourself.
- Start by holding the cat in your lap.
- Holding her like this makes it easier to see what you’re doing.
- Use a pair of small scissors to snip off just the tips of each nail.
- Remember to hold the nail between your thumb and index finger.
- If you accidentally cut through the nail, simply stop cutting and wait until the nail grows back.
Methods To Keep Cat Claws Under Control
If your cat has overgrown claws, you can try one of these methods to keep them under control:

Keep Your Cat Indoors
If you let him out, he will have less opportunity to get his claws caught on things.
Trim Your Cat’s Claws Regularly
A good way to do this is to clip off about ¼ inch (0.6 cm) of each nail. You can also file down the edges of the nails so that they’re smoother.
Use An Electric Nail Clipper
These devices work well because they provide a steady stream of air flow as you cut through the nail. They also make it easier to maintain a consistent length.
Don’t Allow Your Cat To Play In High-traffic Areas
If you see your cat climbing up onto counters or tables, take away any objects that might trip her. Also, don’t leave your cat alone while you’re running errands.
Avoid Rough Surfaces Such As Wood Floors
Your cat may find it difficult to walk smoothly on smooth surfaces. Instead, choose to carpet or tile flooring.
Make Sure Your Cat Gets Plenty Of Exercise
Exercise helps keep muscles strong and prevents obesity.
Provide Safe Places For Your Cat To Sleep
Some cats prefer to curl up near a window or door where they can watch the world go by. Others like to hide in dark corners. Select a place that’s comfortable for your pet.
Be Aware Of Your Cat’s Behavior
If you notice that your cat seems uncomfortable when walking around, check her feet for signs of infection or inflammation.
Clean Your Cat’s Environment Regularly
Scratches and cuts can become infected if there’s dirt or debris underneath the skin.
Consider Using A Cat Tree
These toys encourage your cat to stretch her legs and explore new territory.
Try Giving Your Cat A Pedicure
Using special tools, you can remove dead tissue and calluses from your cat’s paws.
Get Professional Help If Necessary
If your cat continues to grow her claws despite all of your efforts, you’ll need to consult a veterinarian. He may recommend surgery to shorten or even remove the claws completely.
Is There A Way To Keep Cats Calm During Cutting Of Nails?
Yes! Here are some ways to calm your cat during nail trimming:
Play soothing music. Music can be very calming for both humans and animals. Play classical music, soft rock, or jazz.
Give your cat treats. Many cats enjoy receiving treats after being brushed or trimmed.
Give your cat a massage. Massage relaxes your cat and reduces stress.
Put your cat in a carrier. The carrier provides a safe haven for your cat while she’s waiting for you to finish with her nails.
How Long Does It Take To Grow Out New Nails?
It takes two weeks for a kitten’s claws to fully develop.
As your cat grows older, however, the time between growth spurts decreases.
By the time your cat reaches adulthood, her claws should be growing at a rate of approximately one millimeter per week.
Final Thoughts
Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years. Their ancestors were wild felines who lived in trees and hunted prey.
Today, cats still retain many of their natural instincts.
This means that their claws are still used for playing with toys and hunting prey in the backyard – remember that rat that they lovingly brought home for you?
When a cat’s nails become too long or you feel that you are facing overgrown Cat Claws, it can create an issue and cause your cat to feel uncomfortable whilst walking. Not only that, they may also be prone to infections.
Fortunately, there are many ways you can remove that feeling from your pet just by simply shortening their nails – whether that is by using a file or clippers, or doing it an entirely different way.
Always remember that if in doubt, contact your local vet for expert advice.
And also always keep an eye on your cat’s nails in case of an infection which must be seen by a vet immediately.
Other than that, there is no doubt that your cat is happy and healthy! If you want to learn more about Cats, Check out Cats Section of our blog.