What Is The Dachshund Life Expectancy?

There are several reasons why people choose to bring a Dachshund into the family. For starters, they are small, can enjoy a cuddle, and are just all-round adorable to look at.

Plus, they’re highly intelligent animals which means they can be effectively trained.

But there is one distinct advantage of having a Dachshund as part of your family: they tend to have a long life expectancy in comparison to other dog breeds.

The average lifespan of a dog is typically anywhere between 10 and 13 years, but the Dachshund can live for up to 5 years more!

However, the total life expectancy of this breed will vary depending on genetic health and the quality and quantity of care they receive throughout their lifetime.

So if you want to know how to give your Dachshund the best and longest possible life then you’re in the right place. Read on to find out more about Dachshund Life Expectancy.

Dachshund Facts You Should Know

The Dachshund is a hunting dog of German origin that is famous for its long body and short legs.

What Is The Dachshund Life Expectancy?

They are most definitely hunters and are bred to dig badgers and other small animals. They also make for a very popular pet.

  • As family pets, Dachshunds grew significantly in popularity during WWII. This was in line with their transformation into a national icon in Germany.
  • Citizens of the U.S. have also become fond of the unique yet adorable looking breed. Dachshunds even made it into the top 10 dog breeds in the country!
  • Because of their size and complicated breeding history, they are quite likely to develop health issues. Regardless, compared to other breeds, they have an excellent lifespan.
  • The two oldest dogs on record were both Dachshunds.
  • Regardless of their small stature the Dachshund requires lots of frequent exercise in order to live a healthy life, like any other dog.

Life Expectancy For Dachshunds

The average minimum natural life expectancy for this breed is about 10-11 years. However, Dachshunds are typically known to live to at least 15 or 16 years of age.

Their life span varies according to genetic factors such as breeding, dog breed-specific issues such as heart valves and spine issues, and overall lifestyle factors including diet and exercise.

While nothing guarantees that your Dachshund will live to be on the higher end of the life expectancy range, factoring in all of these points will help your Dachshund enjoy the best quality of life possible.

It may just give you a few extra years with them, too!

Life Expectancy For Miniature Dachshunds

The longest-lived variety of this dog is the miniature. They are small, and weigh less than 12 pounds in total.

A miniature Dachshund typically has the same life span as a standard sized Dachshund, though it can be extended anywhere to 16-18 years of age. Others may live for longer – yes, even into their 20s – or even live for a shorter period.

Most people get a Miniature Dachshund for their very playful personality.

Unfortunately this breed is also known to display elements of aggressive behavior, especially with strangers. They can also be quite difficult to house train, too.

Combined with a shrill bark and an affinity to destroy everything they see, they can be quite a difficult pet to have.

Therefore, it’s essential that you are able to combat their aggression and unwillingness to be obedience trained so that they don’t attack others.

Your Miniature Dachshund can live for many years if he does not have serious health problems such as spinal or weight issues.

They are also prone to health concerns like epilepsy, dental diseases, and eye conditions.

Top Causes Of Death in Dachshunds

There is no such thing as an immortal dog, as much as we would wish it to be true. This means that your Dachshund will one day part from this world and cross over to a better place.

What Is The Dachshund Life Expectancy?

You may now be wondering what the most common causes of death are for this wonderful dog breed.

While things like accidents and genetics are completely out of your hands, other factors such as their general health and wellbeing can be influenced by how you choose to raise your Dachshund.

Here are some of the top causes of death in Dachshunds.

Old Age

You can expect that your Dachshund will most likely die from natural causes, namely old age.

The majority of dog breeds come with their own set of complications, but Dachshunds consistently have to contend with old age as a leading cause of death.


Insulin-resistant diabetes is a very common cause of death in Dachshunds. This means they won’t produce enough insulin.

They cannot manage it themselves so it must be managed with a combination of vet support and love from you and your family.

Common Health Complications

There are several common health complications that can lead to death in your Dachshund.

One of these is cancer. More specifically, lymphoma or breast cancer. You may be happy to know that this is a far less likely cause of death than old age.

Heart diseases and all of its complications are yet another breed-specific cause of death. This disease will vary from dog to dog, and it may be sudden or gradual.

And while it is the least common cause of death, Dachshunds are also prone to developing spine issues.

Combined with many other complications, this could cause death in the most rare cases. However, it is very important to note that spine issues don’t always necessarily lead to death!

Joint And Hip Issues

Dachshunds are known to have many joint-related issues such as unbalanced hips.

This is especially apparent as they grow older, and includes problems such as dysplasia, which is focused on the legs, spine, and hips. Especially if they are very active and go on lots of walks.

Eye Issues

Also known for their oversized eyes, Dachshunds may also struggle with eye issues that will cause complications to their overall health profile.

Some of the most common eye issues include dry eyes, glaucoma, and cataracts. Many Dachshunds may even begin to lose their vision as they age.

How You Can Increase The Life Expectancy Of Your Dachshund

While you can’t wrap your dog up in bubble wrap for the duration of their time on earth, there are ways and means of ensuring they live a healthy and fulfilling life.

What Is The Dachshund Life Expectancy?

1. Do Your Research

If you’re a Dachshund owner then you may want to know exactly how long your pet will live. Unfortunately it is quite difficult to give an exact figure because each dog is unique.

Genetics isn’t the only thing that influences the lifespan of a Dachshund.

Other factors that help to decide just how long a Dachshund lives revolve around the type of love and care that they are granted access to throughout their life.

Many people do not realize the significant impact that love and care can have on the lifespan of a Dachshund.

You have complete control over the latter which is a positive thing, as long as you have done your research and know exactly what their breed requires.

It’s also vital that you understand and learn about all the health and behavioral issues associated with the breed.

You must figure out how to tackle them if the situation arises so that you can de-escalate their behavior if need be.

2. Breeder Vs Rescue

If you opt to purchase a Dachshund from a breeder, ensure that you are thorough in checking them out.

They should have a good reputation in the Dachshund community so you can be rest assured that your pet will settle well into your home.

You also need to ask the breeder about the medical history of the puppies’ parents to gain insight into whether your dog will have inherited any common medical issues.

But if your Dachshund is coming from a rescue, make sure to thoroughly research the organization and ask as many questions as you possibly can.

A rescue might not have the full scope of this information, but simply inquiring can help to provide your new dog with a great transitional beginning to their home life with you.

Knowing the breed well and making an informed purchase or adoption is another vital part of getting a new dog, but even Dachshunds with a clean bill of health can develop issues in the future.

3. Feed Your Dog a Healthy Diet

It can be difficult finding the perfect type of dog food for your Dachshund, whether they prefer kibble, homemade cooked, or raw meat.

Research the different food choices to figure out which type and brand is best suited to your animal.

You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each choice in addition to ingredients you should avoid that could potentially upset your dog’s stomach.

Essentially, selecting healthy food for your dog will be an excellent way to prolong their life and increase their overall wellbeing.

Feel free to switch up your Dachshund’s food for a little bit of variation in their diet.

All types of dog food contain nutritional weaknesses so, by making frequent switches, you will ensure that your dog has access to all the nutrients they could possibly need.

4. Maintain A Healthy Weight

You must make sure not to overfeed your dog to maintain their general wellbeing.

Feeding your dog too much food at mealtimes, slipping your dog more treats than necessary, and giving them some of your table scraps could contribute to your dog becoming overweight.

This is an extremely relevant issue with Dachshunds purely because of their small size. It means that they can put weight on really quickly, especially if they aren’t getting enough exercise, too.

Pet obesity is actually one of the leading causes of many common diseases and ailments. Thankfully, there are ways to keep track of your Dachshund’s weight to keep them living a healthy life for a longer period of time.

If you notice that there is quite a bit of skin and fat on top of your dog’s ribs, then you should give them smaller amounts of food (only enough to keep them full, rather than overfeeding) and maybe also limit the number of treats that you give them.

5. Exercise Your Dog On A Regular Basis

A common misconception about the smaller sized Dachshund is that they don’t require a lot of exercise, and that too much can have an adverse effect on them.

In fact, this isn’t true at all. Ensuring your Dachshund has a regular exercise regime can have very positive effects on their overall health.

Not only can it help to keep their weight at an ideal level, but it can also improve cardiovascular fitness and strengthen core muscles.

Many people believe that the Dachshund is a fragile breed because of their long back and, as a result, don’t expose their dog to enough exercise.

However, this isn’t true, and it can actually have an adverse effect on their health.

You should aim to take your adult Dachshund out for between 30 and 60 minutes a day. In terms of a puppy, you should consider 5 minutes of moderate exercise per month of their age. Don’t overdo it!

6. Visit The Vet

Taking your pet to see the vet on a regular basis will be very helpful in preventing many health problems.

This is because the veterinarian can catch any issues or ailments early which is likely to raise the chances of it being treated successfully and, by result, increase their lifespan.

You also need to keep your dog up to date on their vaccines to prevent diseases. As a courtesy you should also check them regularly for new lumps and extreme behavioral changes.

Final Say

The way in which you raise your Dachshund can have a profound impact on Dachshund Life Expectancy in terms of a healthy and balanced diet, and adequate exercise.

Yet it’s also important to remember that despite the amount of care you show to your pet, there is still enough room for accidents, genetics, and complex medical conditions to occur.

Essentially, some things will remain entirely out of your control. But each factor that you can manipulate or control will contribute to a longer life expectancy for your dog.

No amount of time is long enough with pets like the Dachshund. They become a very close part of your family and it is difficult to lose them.

So if there’s a chance of possibly extending their life expectancy in a healthy and organic way, it definitely won’t hurt you to be vigilant with the way you care for your dog! Continue Reading more articles about dogs here.

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