Yes. Cats do eat bugs. Bugs are a natural food source for cats, especially in the wild. These animals are born hunters, and they are easily attracted to bugs due to their movement. While feral cats eat bugs mainly to survive, it is a mere hobby and entertainment for house cats. With so many bugs everywhere, it’s not unusual that cats spend most of their time playing with them.
But wait! There’s more to it than that.
Why would cats eat bugs? And why do they like to hunt them?
Let’s find out more about cats and bugs!
- 1 Why do cats like to eat insects?
- 2 What kind of bugs do cats eat?
- 3 What Bugs can be dangerous to Cats?
- 4 Do cats kill bugs in the house? Are cats good for killing bugs?
- 5 What insects do cats fear?
- 6 Is it okay for cats to eat bugs? Should you let your cat eat bugs?
- 7 Can cats get parasites from eating flies?
- 8 What other animals eat bugs?
- 9 Summary
Why do cats like to eat insects?
More than being a source of food, cats like to eat insects because it is also a source of entertainment and fun.
When house cats hunt bugs, they aren’t looking for food. When they stalk and pursue a bug, they are just having fun.
Catching bugs can be quite entertaining for cats. Further, with these little insects having a yummy taste for cats, they would gladly munch on it.
Chasing bugs is a lot more entertaining for cats than a ball or a feather tied on a stick.
Cats have a hunter’s instinct in them. This “inner hunter” comes from their bloodline that goes a long way back before they end up in houses.
Thus, it’s not a surprise to see cats playing with bugs every time they see one.
Besides, eating a bug won’t be able to satisfy their stomach. The primary reason why they do so is that it is plain fun.
What kind of bugs do cats eat?
Cats are famous for eating bugs such as spiders, flies, grasshoppers, crickets, and more. Still, they tend to play with them first before eating them.
Domestic cats don’t have the skills to hunt, which is why they play with bugs more than they eat them.
When it comes to cats eating bugs, there are a few worth mentioning. These are:
With many bugs roaming around the house, you may wonder if cats eat cockroaches. You may also think twice if it’s okay for cats to eat them.
For this, the short answer is Yes. Cat’s can eat cockroaches, and it’s okay for them to munch one.
One thing, though. If a cat eats a cockroach, it will likely vomit the external skeleton. It may look gross, but it’s alright.
Note that while it is okay, you should always try to keep cockroaches out of your house. This bug type contains many bacteria that can be harmful to your cat if eaten regularly.
Mosquitos are another thing. As we all know, they carry diseases that are fatal to both humans and animals.
The simple answer is: It is safe for cats to eat mosquitos. Although they carry diseases, eating them will not harm cats.
The reason for this is because it is their bite that transfer the disease. If a cat eats a mosquito, cats’ digestive system will work on the bacteria and make it harmless.
Cats often hunt spiders, and it is okay since, for the most part, they don’t fight back.
Even though spiders contain venom, it’s nothing to worry about for cats. The cat’s digestive process extracts the protein in the poison while neutralizing it.
Spiders may get to bite a cat, though it’s unusual. If ever a cat gets bitten by spiders, it’s more likely harmless.
Crane flies
As for crane flies, these bugs are completely harmless and are safe for cats to eat.
Compared to the bugs above, crane flies provide the least harm for cats. Thus, cats eating crane flies will not create any problems or issues.
These bugs come in numbers. That’s why cats spend time playing with them once they arrived.
While most bugs are harmless, others can be dangerous to cats.
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What Bugs can be dangerous to Cats?
The list doesn’t mean these are the only bugs that are dangerous to your cat. Even so, they are the most prominent, so it’s essential to keep it in mind.
Poisonous Spiders
Any poisonous spider that can harm people can also be harmful to cats. With cats being smaller from us, the venom coming from these spiders can do more damage to them.
Some of the spiders you need to watch out for your cats are:
- Black Widow
- Brown Recluse
- Hobo Spider
Some spiders’ venom is so fatal that it can cause significant illness, or worse, even death. Spiders like the black widow may cause vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis, and muscle tremors.
Buzzing Insects
The buzzing of these bugs powerfully attracts playful cats. What’s worse is that their sting can be quite painful.
Like us humans, cats can suffer from an allergic reaction to stings.
What makes the problem larger is that cats tend to lick the part that was stung. Thus, causing further irritation and possible infection.
Moths and Caterpillars
Most moths, as well as butterflies, provide no threats to cats. It is a good thing since cats are suckers for these fancy bugs.
Even so, some moths can sting, causing pain to cats who would try to harass them.
Further, while butterflies are harmless, caterpillars can be quite dangerous. Their sting can be dangerous, and if eaten, the exotic ones can be toxic.
When it comes to centipedes, there are a few exceptions.
Small centipedes that are usually in the house are harmless and so safe for cats to eat. You may even find it enjoyable to know that your cat helps you get rid of these bugs.
Even so, it’s important to remember that they are venomous and can bite cats. Thus, always be on the lookout if you see one around.
If cats play with a scorpion, a sting is likely to happen.
At the very least, a scorpion’s sting will only deliver extreme pain. A sting can make a cat vomit, breathe hard, and show other unusual behavior in a more serious note.
Ants are generally harmless to cats. The large black ants may bite cats who approach them, but it’s not a big deal.
When it comes to fire ants, they can be a big problem. A bite from a fire ant is venomous, aside from being painful. It can cause a severe allergic reaction.
Thus, if your cat is bit by a fire ant, the best move would be to consult a vet.
Hard-bodied Bugs
Hard-bodied bugs such as roaches, beetles, crickets, and grasshoppers won’t cause any harm. However, eating the external skeleton can cause oral irritation and can upset stomach.
Cats may vomit these upon eating, but if these skeletons get too deep in the body, that will be a lot harder to deal with if not attended immediately.
Another thing, cockroaches may carry parasites that can affect cats that consume them. Thus, if you see your cat eating cockroaches regularly, it’s best to deworm the cat to ensure safety.
Fleas are common in cats. They can cause itch and can even invite anemia.
Cats usually take in fleas while they are grooming. Thus, leading to tapeworm infection. To avoid this issue, invest in giving your cats some flea control products.
Ticks often attack cats that spend most of their time outdoors. Even so, any cat can get fleas.
Ticks can be dangerous for cats as they can be vectors for disease. An illness that originates from ticks can cause a lot of problems in cats.
Aside from being annoying, mosquitos can be fatal to cats. These insects can spread heartworm disease to cats.
Cats are not ideal hosts for heartworm, which is why infection to them is not usual. Even so, heartworm disease can attack a cat’s lungs, and there’s no treatment for that.
Thus, it’s essential to keep your area mosquito-free to avoid such incidents.
Flies can be a cat’s source of endless entertainment. But they can also pose a problem.
Some cats, especially the outdoor ones, are likely affected by fly-bites on their ears. This problem is solvable by putting a fly-repelling cream to your cat.
Do cats kill bugs in the house? Are cats good for killing bugs?
Yes, cats can kill bugs, and they are even famous for being a living bug repellant for homeowners.
Cats are born hunters, and they are suckers for moving bugs. Thus, any winged animals and crawling bugs are targets in their eyes.
A cat’s hunting instinct makes them go so much that they’ll climb walls only to dislodge a spider and its web. A lazy flea roaming around can also get grabbed by a curious cat. Crickets that are continuously crawling will become an object of a cat play.
Thus, a home with cats living in it has lesser bugs than those that don’t.
What insects do cats fear?
Cats aren’t afraid of any insects.
Cats are curious animals, and they can even attack a snake despite the danger. Thus, any cat whose eyes an insect will run, not to escape but to attack.
They can get afraid of a specific insect if that insect gets to bite and give them quite a pain.
Cats are intelligent enough to learn the dangers of a specific bug or any other animal. Thus, they will try to avoid an insect if they receive a painful experience from it.
Is it okay for cats to eat bugs? Should you let your cat eat bugs?
Cats are born predators, so hunting anything is part of their instinct. Most bugs aren’t poisonous, so that they won’t do any harm. Even so, other bugs can be harmful if consumed.
With their natural curiosity, cats will munch on any bug they see, regardless of the danger. For this reason, the best thing to do is to prevent them from eating bugs as much as possible.
Can cats get parasites from eating flies?
Yes. Cats can become infected from eating flies or cockroaches. These bugs carry Isospora cysts, and infections with this can be harmful to kittens.
For adult cats, it won’t be a problem. It is because they have a fully developed body system to protect them from these problems.
What other animals eat bugs?
Aside from cats, there are a lot of animals who eat bugs. Some of the famous ones are frogs, lizards, and even birds like nightingales and swallows.
Another bug eaters are echidnas, numbats, anteaters, armadillos, bats, and many more.
- Cats do eat bugs. They either hunt it as a source of food or as a source of entertainment.
- Cats like to eat and hunt insects because they are easy to catch and to target. For them, chasing bugs are fun and entertaining.
- Cats eat most bugs. Some of the popular ones are flies, grasshoppers, & crickets.
- While bugs can be a source of entertainment for cats, some can also pose a threat.
- Cats can kill bugs in the house and are even famous for repelling them.
- Cats aren’t afraid of any insect. They will if they get to experience something unpleasant with a specific type of bug.
- While cats can tolerate bugs, they can also be harmful. Thus, you should prevent them from eating too many bugs.
- Aside from cats, other animals eat bugs.
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