Cats are endlessly fascinating creatures. We could spend hours watching our feline friends as they master amazing feats of balance, dart from room to room, and descend from staggering heights with such ease and agility. But did you ever wonder why do cats sleep in a Ball? Lets learn..
When Cats sleep they’re as fascinating as they are adorable. Many cat parents will have noticed how their kitty covers their face with their paws when they sleep. Some of the many reasons for this are to block out the lights, for safety, and for comfort.
But how about the way cats sleep in a ball? What’s that all about? As it turns out, there are a bunch of different reasons why cats like to snuggle down into a cute and cozy ball of fluff when they snooze.
Ever wondered, “why is my cat curled up like that?” Keep reading to find out all the answers!

For Warmth
For your cat, sleeping in a ball helps them conserve their body heat and stay warm. In the same way that we humans bring our arms and legs up to our chests to sleep when it’s cold, curling up to sleep allows cats to feel warm and cozy enough to drift off.
Cats lose heat from their bellies, which is why stretching out on the floor helps them to keep cool. Curling up into a ball, in contrast, traps heat around their middle and stops them from getting cold.
Your house cat might not need this extra warmth for survival. But cats who live outdoors or in the wild rely on this curled-up cat sleeping position to keep their organs at a reasonable temperature when sleeping in cold weather and harsh conditions. Getting into this position then sends a message to their brain that they’re warm, cozy, and ready for sleep.
To Feel Safe
Another reason why cats sleep in a ball is for safety. Sleeping is a necessity for almost all animals. But sleeping means they have to let their guard down. This then makes them vulnerable to potential attacks.
Because of this acute awareness of their vulnerability when sleeping, animals have a natural instinct to sleep in specific positions. These sleeping positions allow them to protect themselves in a worst-case scenario.
For many animals, including your cat, sleeping in a ball is one of the safest sleeping positions. A lot of humans even adopt a similar kind of curled-up style when they sleep in the fetal position.
Curling up protects the face and many of the vital organs needed for survival. And, although sleeping this way leaves the back exposed, predators wouldn’t be able to reach around to any vital organs without waking the sleeping animal up. For many animals, sleeping in this way is safest as it makes it easier to escape alive.
To Fit Inside Enclosed Spaces
Swaddling helps babies sleep better, while many adults prefer sleeping against a wall. In the same way, cat sleeping positions such as curling up into a ball mimic the way that your cat’s wild ancestors would have often chosen to sleep in enclosed spaces.
You might even find that your cat likes to sleep in a ball curled up inside a tight space in your home. This could involve wedging themselves between the wall and sofa, curling up in a drawer, or nestling inside a box.
Whether your cat likes to sleep in an enclosed space or not, getting into a suitable position to do so would have been how their feline forefathers learned to avoided predators and rivals. By balling themselves up and getting into small spaces, they were able to avoid being attacked or picked on.
Now, your indoor kitty might not have to fear attacks. But only ever sleeping in an enclosed space can be a sign that they’re fearful of someone in the house. It might be a household newcomer, a four-legged rival, or a person they don’t like for some reason.
To Hide From Predators
Cats often like to remind us of their predatory prowess as natural hunters by offering up dead birds, mice, and other trophies. But their ancestors were also the prey of many animals.
Out in the wild, foxes, wolves, and even large birds such as hawks and owls hunted and attacked cats. These predatory creatures would have targeted small cats especially, teaching cats the importance of protecting themselves from a young age.
During waking hours, cats will rely on their ability to detect movement and lightning-fast reflexes to avoid attacks. Or, if they’re ready to fight, cats may also puff out their tails to make themselves seem bigger as a way to warn off predators. But while asleep, their best defense is to make themselves smaller by curling into a ball.
For Comfort
This cat sleeping position has meaning and evolutionary advantages for our feline friends. But it’s also super comfy and cozy!
Many of us find it more comfortable to sleep on our sides or our backs. In the same way, most kitties simply find this curled-up cat sleeping position to be the most comfortable for them.
The increased warmth and security add to the comfort factor of this popular cat sleeping position. Once they’re curled up and feeling warm, safe, and secure, cats feel comfortable enough to relax, let their guard down, and start dreaming about catching mice. As a result, this cozy cat sleeping position is always a win-win!
Why Do Cats Sleep in a Ball?
If you’ve ever wondered why cats sleep in a ball, this guide should have more than satisfied your curiosity.
In the same way that we humans have our favorite sleeping positions, it seems that this is the one that works for most cats. Not only does this sleeping position provide them with warmth and comfort, but it also helps them hide from predators and allows them to feel safe enough to sleep.
Want more feline facts and kitty insights? Check out the article on why cats chew cardboard to find out all about this strange, yet quite common, behavior!