Pigs can eat celery, yes. Celery contains a lot of vitamins, like vitamins A and C. On the other hand, celery does not contain the proteins and fats that pigs need to grow, so celery should not be a major part of the diet. Anyway, the answer is yes, you can feed celery to your pigs.
Celery comes in the long list of fresh vegetables we can get with ease. Thus, it can be quite tempting to offer them to our pigs.
Let’s get into it more.
Is celery good for pigs?
Yes, celery is suitable for pigs. Vegetables make up one of the main components a hog’s diet requires.
Among all the choices, celery belongs to the best options we can give. The reason is that such a vegetable is entirely safe for hogs.
Like tomatoes, celeries also contain vitamins A and C.
Celeries also has potassium like bananas, although much lower in its quantity.
Celery is also low in sodium, which is good since these animals don’t need too much sodium.
Thus, if you’re wondering if these animals can eat celery, go ahead and feed some. It’s perfectly safe and suitable for pigs to eat it.
What about pet pigs? Can they eat celery?
The same principle applies to pet pigs. Celery is a vegetable that is entirely safe for a hog’s diet.
Further, regular celery intake gives pet pigs the balanced diet they need. It is because celery compensates for the plant-based food they need as omnivores.
Thus, if you’re thinking of giving hogs a veggie treat, celery comes as one of your better choices.
Related – Can pigs eat oranges?
How often can you give celery to pigs?
Since celery is safe and beneficial to pigs, regular eating won’t cause any harm.
You can give celery to adult hogs as regular as once every other day.
Although celery can be part of their regular diet, it should not be their main course.
Celery lacks protein and fats that are necessary to sustain a hog’s growth.
Indeed, they may even be part of a daily meal. However, don’t let your hogs feed on celery alone.
Is celery good food for pig growth?

Celery may be suitable for pigs, but it doesn’t directly increase growth.
If you want your pigs to have rapid growth, and you’re wondering if celery can do the job, there are better options.
Pigs need protein and fats to sustain healthy and quick growth. Unfortunately, celery and other vegetables contain less to none of these components.
As a good source of protein and fats, meat can be your best bet for your hog’s growth.
Still, be mindful, though. Some countries prohibit feeding meat to hogs.
These particular countries do so because feeding meat can cause spreading disease.
If you’re living in the US, it should be alright to do so. Still, don’t disregard the celery.
While it may not directly increase growth, the vitamins can compensate and support it.
Vitamin C in celery, like the ones in oranges, can help boost immunity.
By having strong immunity, you can prevent your livestock from suffering from diseases. Such diseases hinder growth itself.
Related – Can pigs eat tomatoes?
What makes a good, balanced diet for pigs?
Since pigs are omnivores, they need nutrition from both meat and plant-based food.
Thus, a proper and balanced diet for hogs requires meat and vegetables. You can also add fruits.
Since people raise hogs mostly for its meat, everyone wishes for quick but stable growth.
To do that, a combination of nutrients from both plants and meat is necessary.
If you wish to give your pig a balanced diet, you may start by taking note of the following food. The list should help you find the right food for these animals.
Scraps or leftovers
Most scraps and leftovers are a combination of plant-based food and meat.
Most people give scraps with rice, meat, and even bread and fruits.
Since hogs aren’t picky eaters, they would munch even on leftovers. They can also eat fruit peels of bananas, watermelons, and oranges.
Although they are scraps, these animals still get some nutrition from such foods.
As omnivores, pigs need vegetables to thrive. Further, there are some vitamins and nutrients that they can only get from vegetables.
They can eat sprouts, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli aside from celery.
You can feed almost any other fresh vegetables you can purchase at stores.
Pigs would also love a sweet fruity treat. Fruits contain vitamins that can help in maintaining good health. This can include fruits as grapes, bananes, oranges or watermelons.
Pig pellets
If you wish for the best and safest food option, you should buy some pig pellets for these animals.
If you’re ready to set aside natural food, pig pellets offer the safest and most suitable feed for these animals.
Manufacturers produce pig pellets designed to accommodate a hog’s needs for specific growth.
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What vegetables are bad for pigs?
Among the list of vegetables, you should watch out and avoid feeding the following:
Unripened tomatoes
Together with the stem, leaves, and the whole plant, unripened tomatoes can be toxic for hogs.
As much as possible, only feed ripe tomatoes, not the green ones.
Raw potatoes
Raw Potatoes contain starches that can cause digestive issues to these animals.
Both raw and cooked onions won’t do any good for pigs. If you wish to feed onions, you should cook it first.
It would be much better if you mix it with other food and not alone.
Avocado peels and pits
Avocado peels and pits are toxic to most of the animals. As such, try to avoid giving your hogs some of these.
As a general rule of thumb, treat vegetables only as a part of a balanced diet for hogs.
Vegetables do not give hogs the complete nutrition they need for healthy growth.
Indeed, celery is safe and beneficial for pigs. If you find it challenging to choose from a wide variety of vegetables, celery could help you get the answer.
Still, celery needs a combination of other food to sustain a hog’s growth.
Image credits – Photo by Iva Rajović on Unsplash and photo by Beverly Buckley on Pixabay